Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week One

We built our micro aquariums in class this past week. Water from mixture 4 was placed inside and then a piece of plants A and B, and also sediments from the bottom of the water mixture. Water number for came from the Holston River along John Sevier Hwy. Plant A is an Amblystegium varium Moss. Collection from: Natural spring, located at Carters Mill Park. Plant B is a carnivous plant, from south shore of Spain Lake. There were several single celled organisms seen near the plants and close to the bottom where the sediments were located. These organisms spinning around in a circular manor. No organisms were seen in the empty areas and they would not have been noticed around the plants if they would not have been moving. I will be observing the changed of the plants and organisms in my micro aquarium and blogging each week.

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